Graduate School
Eligibility for Application
The applicant should be a national of a country other than Japan and correspond to any of the following.
Master's Course, Master's Level Section of Integrated Course and Professional Degree Course(Graduate School of Law)
(1) A person who has graduated from a college stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Law, or who is expected to graduate from such a college by the day before admission.
(2) A person who has been awarded a bachelor’s degree in accordance with fourth paragraph of Article 104 of the School Education Law, or who is expected to be awarded such a degree by the day before admission.
(3) A person who has completed 16 years of the school curriculum of a foreign country, or who is expected to complete such a curriculum by the day before admission.
(4) A person who has completed a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan at an educational institute that has a college established under the school education system of a foreign country, or who is expected to complete such a program by the day before admission.
(5) A person who has completed 16 years of the school curriculum of a foreign country by taking a correspondence course offered by a foreign school, or who is expected to complete such a curriculum by the day before admission.
(6) A person who is deemed eligible for admission by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.
(7) A person who has completed the professional course of a special training school (of a duration of four years or more and which meets the requirements specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) and a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan on the day after the specified date, or who is expected to complete such a course and a curriculum by the day before admission.
(8) A person who has entered a graduate school of another college and is recognized as having the academic ability required for education in our graduate school according to the second paragraph of Article 102 of the School Education Law.
(9) A person who has completed 15 years of a school curriculum in a foreign country, who has completed a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan at an educational institute established under the school education system of a foreign country in Japan, or who has completed 15 years of the school curriculum of a foreign country by taking a correspondence course offered by the foreign school in Japan, and is recognized as having completed the specified course with outstanding marks by our graduate school.
(10) A person who is recognized as having academic ability equivalent or higher to that specified in (1) by means of the individual qualification examination for admission and who has reached the age of 22 by the end of the month before admission.
(11) Notwithstanding the above provision, a person who has taken a course of a college stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Law for three years or longer, and is recognized as having completed the specified course with outstanding marks by our graduate school, is eligible for admission.
(1) 从学校教育法第83条规定中的学校毕业的学生,或者是在入学之前,将要从这样的学校毕业的学生;
(2) 已经获得学校教育法104条第四段要求的学士学位的学生,或者是在入学之前,将会获得该标准的学位的学生;
(3) 完成了16年的外国学校课程的学生,或者是在入学之前,将要完成这样的课程的学生;
(4) 在一所教育学校(有一个在外国的学校教育系统下建立的学院)完成了日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门指定课程的学生,或者在入学之前将要完成这样的课程的学生;
(5) 通过参加国外学校提供的相应课程,完成了16年的外国学校课程的学生,或者是在入学之前,将会完成这些课程学习的学生;
(6) 日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门认为的具备入学资格的学生;
(7) 已经完成了特别训练学校(修读时间为4年或者更长,并且满足日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门特定要求)的专业课程,以及在指定日期之后完成日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门特定课程的学生;或者是在入学之前将要完成这样的课程的学生;
(8) 已经进入另一个学校的研究生学院,并且根据学校教育法的102条第二段,被认为是具备在金泽大学的研究生学院学习的学术能力的学生;
(9) 已经在国外完成了15年学校课程的学生;已经在外国学校教育系统下建立的日本教育学校,完成了日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门指定课程的学生;或者是通过参加位于日本的国外学校提供的的相应课程,已经完成了15年外国学校课程,并且被金泽大学的研究生学院认为是完成了特定课程,且取得优秀成绩的学生;
(10) 凭借单独的招生考试,被认为是具备了在(1)中说明的同等或者更高学术能力,并且在入学之前的最后一个月结束之前达到22岁的学生;
(11) 尽管有上述规定,参加了三年或者更长时间的学校教育法律第83条规定中的学校课程,并且被金泽大学的研究生学院认为是已经凭借优秀的成绩完成了特定课程的学生,是具备入学申请资格的。
Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course
(1) A holder of a master's degree or a professional degree, or a person who is expected to have acquired a master’s degree or a professional degree by the day before admission.
(2) A person who holds or is expected to have been awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree or a professional degree abroad by the day before admission.
(3) A person who has completed the graduate school course of an educational institute established under the school education system in Japan and a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, and has been awarded a bachelor's degree or a professional degree, or who is expected to be awarded such a degree by the day before admission.
(4) A person who has completed a correspondence course offered by a foreign school in Japan, and has been awarded a master’s degree or a professional degree, or who is expected to be awarded such a degree by the day before admission.
(5) A person who is deemed to be eligible for admission by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.
(6) A person who is recognized as having academic ability equivalent to or higher than that of a holder of a master's degree or a professional degree by means of the individual qualification examination for admission, and who has reached the age of 24 by the end of the month before admission.
(1) 获得硕士学位或者专业学位的学生,或者是在入学之前,将要获得硕士学位或者专业学位的学生;
(2) 在入学之前,已经获得或者将要获得等同于硕士学位或者专业学位的国外学位的学生;
(3) 在学校教育系统下建立的日本教育学校,完成研究生学院课程,以及日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门指定课程,并且已经获得了学士学位或者专业学位的学生;或者是在入学之前将要获得这样的一个学位的学生;
(4) 完成位于日本的外国大学提供的相应课程,并且获得硕士学位或者专业学位的学生,或者是在入学之前将要获得这样的一个学位的学生;
(5) 日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门认为的具备入学资格的学生;
(6) 凭借单独的招生考试,被认为是具备了和硕士学位或者专业学位获得者同等或者更高学术能力,并且在入学之前的最后一个月结束之前达到24岁的学生
Doctoral School of Medical Science (Doctoral Course)
(1) A person who has graduated from a college (only medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine course) stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Law, or who is expected to graduate from such a college by the end of the month before admission.
(2) A person who has been awarded a bachelor's degree according to fourth paragraph of Article 104 of the School Education Law, or who is expected to be awarded such a degree by the day before admission, provided the person has completed the course of medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine.
(3) A person who has completed 18 years of school curriculum in a foreign country, provided the last course taken is medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine, or who is expected to complete such a curriculum by the day before admission.
(4) A person who has completed 18 years of school curriculum (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine) at an educational institute established under the school education system of a foreign country in Japan, and who has completed a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.
(5) A person who has completed 18 years of school curriculum (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine) by taking a correspondence course offered by a foreign school, or who is expected to complete such a curriculum by the day before admission.
(6) A person who is deemed to be eligible for admission by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.
(7) A person who entered another graduate school (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine) and who is recognized as having the academic ability required to be educated in our graduate school of medicine in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 102 of the School Education Law.
(8) A person who has completed 16 years of school curriculum (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine) in a foreign country, who has completed a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan at an educational institute established by a school education system of a foreign country in Japan, or who has competed 16 years of a school curriculum (the last course taken should be in medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine) by taking a correspondence course offered by a foreign school in Japan, and is recognized as having completed the specified course with outstanding marks by our medical school with outstanding marks.
(9) A person who is recognized as having academic ability equivalent to or higher than that specified in (1) and who has reached the age of 24 by the end of the month before admission.
(10) Notwithstanding the above provisions, a person who has taken the medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine course of a college stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Law for four years or longer, and is recognized as having completed the specified course with outstanding marks by our medical school, is eligible for admission.
(1) 从学校教育法第83条规定中的学校(仅医学、牙科和兽医学课程)毕业的学生,或者是在入学之前的最后一个月结束之前,将会从这样的学校毕业的学生;
(2) 已经获得学校教育法104条第四段要求的学士学位的学生,或者是在入学之前,将会获得该标准的学位的学生,假定该学生已经完成了医学、牙科或者兽医学课程学习;
(3) 在国外已经完成了18年的学校课程,假定参加的最后课程是医学、牙科或者兽医学课程,或者是在入学之前将要完成这些课程的学生;
(4) 在外国学校教育系统下建立的位于日本的教育学校,已经完成了18年的教育课程(参加的最后课程应该是医学、牙科或者兽医学课程),或者已经完成了日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门特定课程的学生;
(5) 通过参加外国学校提供的相应课程,已经完成了18年的教育课程(参加的最后课程应该是医学、牙科或者兽医学课程),或者在入学之前将要完成这样的课程的学生;
(6) 日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门认为的具备入学资格的学生;
(7) 已经进入另一个学校的研究生学院(参加的最后课程应该是医学、牙科或者兽医学课程),并且根据学校教育法的102条第二段,被认为是具备在金泽大学的医学研究生学院学习的学术能力的学生;
(8) 已经在国外完成了16年学校课程(参加的最后课程应该是医学、牙科或者兽医学课程)的学生;已经在外国学校教育系统下建立的日本教育学校,完成了日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门指定课程的学生;或者是通过参加位于日本的国外学校提供的的相应课程,已经完成了16年外国学校课程(参加的最后课程应该是医学、牙科或者兽医学课程),并且被金泽大学的医学研究生学院认为是完成了特定课程,且取得优秀成绩的学生;
(9) 被认为是具备了在(1)中说明的同等或者更高学术能力,并且在入学之前的最后一个月结束之前达到24岁的学生
(10) 尽管有上述规定,参加了三年或者更长时间的学校教育法律第83条规定中的医学、牙科、或者兽医学学校课程,并且被金泽大学的医学院认为是已经凭借优秀的成绩完成了特定课程的学生,是具备入学申请资格的。
Application Procedures
Since the admission procedures, application qualification,application forms, application procedures and application period may change from year to year depending on the division of graduate school, please contact the relevant graduate school for details.
Admission Procedures
Since the application forms, application procedures and application period may change from year to year depending on the division of graduate school, please contact the relevant graduate school for application details.
Awarding of Academic Degrees
Master's or doctoral degrees will be awarded to those who successfully complete the requirements specified by the relevant program.