



2021-01-25 15:16:00




  1. People still have mixed views on whether……(本文要讨论的话题)In this essay, I will examine the view that……(转述题目中提供的那种看法)

  2. The issue of whether……(辩论话题)has received much public attention. In this essay, I will explore the opinion that……(改写题目所给的观点)

  3. A criticism often heard these days is that……(辩论话题)They say that……(转述题目所给观点)I disagree/ agree with this point of view for……reasons.

  4. In these days, the issue of whether……(辩论话题)has aroused people’s discussion. Some people believe that……(改写题目所给观点)I disagree/ agree with this point of view and I will analyze the issue in the following passage.

  5. Recently, the issue of……(辩论话题)has been brought into public focus. People have different ideas about it. Some people believe that……(改写题目所给观点)personally, I think this point of view is overly simplistic.

  6. The progression of……(背景)is inevitable and undeniable. What is under controversy is whether……(题目所给观点)To be frank, I am in high favor of……(自己观点)


  1…….(背景)are playing significant roles in our lives. But in the meantime, whether……(辩论话题)sparks much debate. Some people assert that……, while many others argue that……personally, I am in favor of the former/ the latter view.

  e has been much discussion on whether……(辩论话题)In this essay, I will compare and contrast two typical opinions regarding this issue.

   recent years, there has been a heated debate about whether……(辩论话题)I will explore two main opinions often heard in this controversy.

  4. Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that……Some maintain that……whereas others are confident that……For my part, I share the latter/ former point of view.

  5. There is much discussion as to whether or not……People hold divergent views. Some people believe that……while others hold that……In the following, I would like to present my point of view.

  6. Recently, there arises a heated debate over whether it is wise to……People’ views, however, are divergent on the matter in question. Some people advocate that……e others argue that…… Taking into consideration both sides of the issue, I tend to favour the latter/former view.


  1…….(改写题目中要求比较其利弊的现象)This trend has attracted much public attention, I tend to believe that the benefits brought about by this trend override its drawbacks.

  2……(改写题目中要求比较其利弊的现象)Public concern has arisen about the potential disadvantages brought about by this phenomenon. I personally believe that its disadvantages exceed its advantages for the following reasons.

  3. As we know, ……bring many benefits and conveniences to people. However, as to whether it is blessing or curse, there arises a heated debate among people. however, like anything else, ……has more than one face. As far as I’m concerned, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages./ But when we consider these two sides more carefully, we can see that the harm outweigh the merits.





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