



2016-03-30 13:47:00




  Reporter: And we are in the Oval Office this morning with the President of the United States. Mr. President, welcome back to “Meet the Press.”

  记者:我们今天早上是在白宫采访,我 身边是美国总统。总统先生,欢迎来到 “媒体面对面”节目。

  George Walker Bush: Thank you, sir.


  Reporter: On Friday, you announced a committee, commission to look into intelligence failures regarding the Iraq war and our entire intelligence community. You have been reluctant to do that for some time. Why?

  记者:周五的时候,您宣布成立一个委 员会,负责调查伊拉克战争中的情报失 误情况以及我们整个情报队伍。有段时 间您很不情愿这么做,为什么?

  George Walker Bush: Well, first let me kind of step back and talk about intelligence in general, if I might. Intelligence is a vital part of fighting and winning the war against the terrorists. It is — because the war against terrorists is a war against individuals who hide in caves in remote parts of the world, individuals who have these kinds of shadowy networks, and individuals who deal with rogue nations. So, we need a good intelligence system. We need really good intelligence. So, the commission I set up is to obviously analyze what went right or what went wrong with the Iraqi intelligence. It was kind of lessons learned. But it’s really set up to make sure the intelligence services provide as good a product as possible for future presidents as well. This is just a part of analyzing where we are on the war against terror. There is a lot of investigations going on about the intelligence service, particularly in the Congress, and that’s good as well. The Congress has got the rapacity to look at the intelligence gathering without giving away state secrets, and I look forward to all the investigations and looks. Again, I repeat to you, the capacity to have good intelligence means that a president can make good calls about fighting this war on terror.

  乔治沃克布什:首先,如果我想先 讲一下一般意义上的情报。情报是打击 恐怖主义,赢得战争的关键。反恐战争 是针对那些 躲藏在世界 偏远地方的 恐怖分子, 他们珠胎暗 结和无赖国 家勾结。所 以我们需要 一个完善的 情报体制。 我们需要真实可靠的情报。所以我成立 情报委员会就是为了分析我们的伊拉克 情报哪些是对的,哪些是错的。这也是 我们得到的教训。但是成立这个委员会 也是为了确保为未来总统提供尽可能准 确的情报。这只是我们分析去哪里打击 恐怖主义的一部分内容。现在对情报服 务进行了大量调查,特别是在国会进行 了调查,这很好。国会有能力在不泄露国家秘密的情况下研究收集的情报,我 对所有的调查和研究结果都很期待。我 再重复一遍,能有准确情报意味着一个 总统能够在反恐战争中作出正确指令。

  Reporter: Prime Minister Blair has set up a similar commission in Great Britain.

  记者:布莱尔首相在大不列颠也建立了 一个类似的委员会。

  George Walker Bush: Yeah.


  Reporter: His is going to report back in July.


  George Walker Bush: Right.


  Reporter: Ours is not going to be until March of 2005, five months after the presidential election.

  记者:我们将会在2005年3月份拿到 报告,也就是总统大选的5个月后。

  George Walker Bush: Yeah.


  Reporter: Shouldn’t the American people have the benefit of the commission before the election?

  记者:难道美国人民不应该在大选之前 看到委员会的调查进展吗?

  George Walker Bush: Well, the reason why we gave it time is because we didn’t want it to be hurried. This is a strategic look, kind of a big-picture look about the intelligence-gathering capacities of the United States of America, whether it be the capacity to gather intelligence in North Korea or how we’ve used our intelligence to, for example, learn more information about A.Q. Khan. And it's important that this investigation take its time. Now, look, we are in a political season. I fully understand people — He's trying to avoid responsibility. There is going to be ample time for the American people to assess whether or not I made a — good calls, whether or not I used good judgment, whether or not I made the right decision in removing Saddam Hussein from power, and I look forward to that debate, and I look forward to talking to the American people about why I made the decisions I made. The commission I set up, is one that will help future presidents understand how best to fight the war on terror, and it’s an important part of the kind of lessons learned in Iraq and lessons learned in Afghanistan prior to us going in,lessons learned that we can apply to both Iran and North Korea because we still have a dangerous world. And that’s very important for, I think, the people to understand where I’m coming from to know that this is a dangerous world. I wish it wasn’t. I’m a war president. I make decisions here in the Oval Office in foreign-policy matters with war on my mind. Again, I wish it wasn’t true, but it is true. And the American people need to know they got a president who sees the world the way it is. And I see dangers that exist, and it’s important for us to deal with them.

  乔治沃克布什:嗯,我们之所以给 委员会这样的时间期限,是因为我们不 想让他们太仓促。这是战略性调查,也 是对美利坚合众国情报收集能力的全 面调查,不管是在朝鲜收集情报的能力 还是我们在基地组织收集更多情报的能 力。给调查以充足的时间是很重要的。 现在,我们处于政治多事之秋。我很清楚人们会说-----他只是在推卸责任。无论我是否正确号召,公正判断,无论我 是否在推翻萨达姆侯赛因上作出了 正确的决定,美国人民都有充分的时间 进行评判,我期待有这场争论,期待着 向美国人民解释为什么我作出了那些决 定。我成立的这个委员会,是要帮助未 来的总统明白怎样才能更好地进行反恐 战争,是我们在伊拉克战争和阿富汗战 争中得到的教训的关键一部分,是适用 于朝鲜和伊朗的教训,因为我们的世界 仍然不太平。我认为,这对于帮助人们 明白我为什么说这个世界仍很危险是非 常重要的。我希望这个世界太平。我是战争总统。我 在这儿,在白 宫做出战争外 交的相关决 定。再说一 遍,我希望那 些不是真的, 但是事实上却 是真的。美国 人民需要了解他们的总统看待这个世界 的方式。我看得见存在的危险,即我们 去应对危险是很重要的。

  Reporter: Will you testilv before the commission?


  George Walker Bush This commission? You know, testify? I mean, I’d be glad to visit with them. I,d be glad to share with them knowledge. I’d be glad to make recommendations, if they ask for some. I’m interested in getting _ I’m interested in making sure the intelligence gathering works well. Listen, we got some fine — let me — let me, again, just give you a sense of where I am on the intelligence systems of America. First of all, I strongly believe the CIA is ably led by George Tenet. He comes and briefs me on a regular basi: about what he and his analysts see in the world.

  乔治沃克布什:委员会?作证?我 的意思是,我会很乐意和他们一起参 观。我很乐意把我了解的情况告诉他 们。如果他们询问,我会很高兴地提出 建议。我对保证情报搜集工作进展顺利 很感兴趣。听着,我们拿到了一些好 的——让我再给你讲一讲我在美国情报 体制中的地位。首先,我坚定的认为美 国联邦调查局的乔治特奈特领导有 方。他和他的分析家们对世界形势进行 研究之后,定期过来向我作简短报告。

  Reporter: His job is not in jeopardy?


  George Walker Bush: No, not at all, not at all. We've got people working hard in intelligence gathering around the world to get as good an information as possible. Intelligence requires, you know, all kinds of assets to bring information to the President, and I want that intelligence service to be strong, iable, competent, confident, and provide good product to the President so I can make judgment calls.

  乔治沃克布什:不,一点儿也不。 我们让人们在全世界尽可能收集有用的 信息。根据情报工作需要,你知道,各 路人马再把信息传达给总统。我希望情 报服务能够有效、充满生机、有能力给 总统提供可信的信息,从而让我作出正 确的判断。

  Reporter: There’s another commission right now looking into September 11th.

  记者:现在还有一个委员会在调查9 11 事件?

  George Walker Bush: Yeah.


  Reporter: Will you testify before that commission?


  George Walker Bush: We have given extraordinary cooperation with Chairmen Kean and Hamilton. As you know, we made an agreement on what's called “Presidential Daily Briefs,,,so they could see the information the CIA provided me that is unique, by the way, to have provided what’s called the PDB, because一

  乔治沃克布什:我们和委员会主席 基恩以及汉密尔顿配合得很好。你知 道,我们就所谓的“总统每日简章”制 定了一个协议,以便他们能看到联邦调 查局提供给我的信息,顺便说一句,这 是提供PDB的唯一途径,因为……

  Reporter: Presidential Daily Brief?

  记者:PDB是“总统每日简章”简称 吗?

  George Walker Bush: Right. And see, the danger of allowing for information that I get briefed on out in the public arena is that it could mean that the product that I receive or future presidents receive is somewhat guarded for fear of - for fear of it being revealed, and for fear of people saying, “Well,you know, we’re going to second-guess that which you told the President.” I need good, honest information, but we have shared this information with both those gentlemen, gentlemen I trust, so they could get a better picture of what took place prior to September the 11th. And again, we want — I want the truth to be known. I want there to be a full analysis done so that we can better prepare the homeland, for example, against what might occur. And this is all in the context of war, and the more we learn about, you know, what took place in the past, the more we’re going to be able to better prepare for future attacks.

  乔治沃克布什:没错。看,允许他 们看到我在公众舞台做的简要信息可能 意味着我得到的信息或者是未来总统收 到的信息可能被保密,因为担心泄密, 担心人们事后批评说,“嗯,你知道, 我们会对你之前告诉 总统的信息进行批 判。”我需要有用的、 真实的信息,但是我 们把这些信息与一些 我信任的先生们共 享,以便他们能够更 清楚在9 11事件前 发生了什么事情。再 说一次,我们想—— 我想把事实公诸于 世。我想让他们对此进行全面的分析, 以便我们能更好的为祖国可能发生的事 情作准备。而从战争的层面上说,我们 了解发生在过去的事情越多,我们就能 越好地为未来的袭击作准备。

  Reporter: Would you submit for questioning, though, to the 9/11 Commission?

  记者:尽管如此,那你会接受911委 员会的讯问吗?

  George Walker Bush: Perhaps, perhaps.


  Reporter: Senator Charles Grassley, a Republican —

  记者:查尔斯格拉斯里议员,一个 共和党人——

  George Walker Bush: Yes.


  Reporter: — said he is absolutely convinced we will I capture Osama Bin Laden before the election.


  George Walker Bush: Well, I appreciate his optimism. I have no idea whether we will capture or bring him to justice, may be the best way to put it. I know we are on the hunt, and Osama Bin Laden is a cold-blooded killer, and he represents the nature of the enemy that we face. These are — these are people that will kill on a moment’s notice, and they’ll kill innocent women and children. And he’s hiding, and we’re trying to find him. There’s a — I know there is a lot of focus on Iraq, and there should be, but we’ve got thousands of troops, agents, allies on the hunt, and we’re doing a pretty good job of dismantling al-Qaida—better than a pretty good job, a very good job. I keep saying in my speeches, two-thirds of known al-Qaida leaders have been captured or killed, and that’s the truth.

  乔治沃克布什:嗯,我欣赏他的乐 观态度。但我不知道我们是否能抓住 他,或者更正确地说能否让他正法。我 知道我们正在抓捕,奥萨马本拉 登是个冷血杀手,他代表着我们面对的 敌人的本质。这些人——这些人随时准 备侯命杀人,他们杀害无辜的妇女和儿 童。他还在藏匿, 我们正努力查找 他的下落。我知 道,大家对伊拉 克很关注。也应 该关注。我们在 那里有几千名士 兵、机构和同盟 军在进行搜捕, 我们在解除基地 组织方面做得不错,非常不错了。我在演 讲中一直说,已知的基地组织的头目有 2/3已经被逮捕或杀死了,这就是事实。

  Reporter: Do we have a pretty good idea where Bin Laden is?


  George Walker Bush: You know, I’m not going to comment on that.

  乔治沃克布什:你知道,恕我无可 奉告。

  Reporter: Let me turn to Iraq. And this is the whole idea of what you based your decision to go to war on.

  记者:我们再回到伊拉克的话题上。这 是你决定发动战争的整个思想根据。

  George Walker Bush Sure, sure.


  Reporter: The night you took the country to war, March 17th, you said this: “Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”

  记者:你3月17日晚上发动战争时说: “目前美国和其他政府搜集到的情报表 明伊拉克确凿无疑的继续持有且藏匿一 些最致命的武器。

  George Walker Bush: Right.






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