



2016-11-21 16:44:00



  1. instigate v. 煽动 , 怂恿 , 教唆 词频:2 ['instigeit]

  近义词:encourage / fan

  权威例句:That could convince a new generation of leaders to instigate real change from within the establishment.(ECONOMIST: Malaysian justice)

  2. enchant v. 施魔法 , 使迷惑 词频:2 [in'tʃɑ:nt]

  近义词:bemuddle / bewilder

  权威例句:Mr Bowden's writing, which reads like fiction though it describes fact, will enchant some and drive others up the wall.(ECONOMIST: Mexican individualism and violence)

  3. discomfit v. 使懊恼 , 挫败 词频:2 [dis'kʌmft]

  近义词:destroy / defeat / disorder

  权威例句:And it might just be that our exercise of our liberties and freedoms will discomfit you.(FORBES: Reddit and Violentacrez: Yes, PJ O'Rourke Did Have It Right)

  4. standardize v. 使标准化 词频:2 ['stændədaiz]


  权威例句:So why has it taken so long to standardize, to ramp up this training?(NPR: U.S. Turns More Attention to Training Iraqi Forces)

  5. necessitate v. 使成为必需 , 迫使 词频:2 [ni'sesiteit]

  近义词:ask / lack / pressure / claim

  权威例句:They may limit profitability and even necessitate charges, but they do not represent an endgame.(FORBES: Recovery Apartheid)

  6. stylize v. 使风格化 词频:2 ['stailaiz]

  权威例句:"We don't look to stylize our lineup so much as we just stay away from pop garbage, " said Farrell, who in the past has said he sees himself as a music curator when arranging each festival lineup.(NPR: The Cure, Mumford And Sons To Play Lollapalooza)

  7. revive v. 使复苏 , 唤醒 词频:2 [ri'vaiv]

  近义词:come back to life again / resurge;recall / reinvigorate

  权威例句:Japan is under intense pressure to revive its long-moribund economy, especially as it sinks into recession.(FORBES: Fact and Comment)

  8. ingrain v. 使根深蒂固 , 牢记 a. 根深蒂固的 词频:2 [in'grein]

  近义词:rooted / seated

  权威例句:Many are also now starting to ingrain this into their organizational framework and business processes.(FORBES: Collaboration Is A Heuristic That May Work … Or Not)

  9. polarize v. 使极化 , 使偏振 词频:2 ['pəuləraiz]

  权威例句:The futuristic tone of the game seemed to polarize fans on the Internet.(CNN: 'Black Ops 2' trailer hints at series' dark future)

  10. rejuvenate v. 使年轻 , 使复原 , 使恢复精神 词频:2 [ri'dӡu:vineit]

  近义词:renew / reinstate;be cured of / pull round

  权威例句:Of course, the retreats also allow plenty of downtime to relax and rejuvenate body and mind.(FORBES: Rosewood Little Dix Bay Expands Health and Wellness Retreats)

  11. deflect v. 使偏离 , 转向 词频:2 [di'flekt]

  近义词:wind / curve;swing / turn towards

  权威例句:By sacking two of his underlings, Mr Wang has done little to deflect public anger.(ECONOMIST: Tension in Xinjiang)

  12. poise v. 使平衡 n. 平衡 , 镇静 词频:2 [pɔiz]

  近义词:balance / attitude;balance / equilibrize;hang / balance of / get ready

  权威例句:The year began with a search for poise and rhythm -- the art of dancing.(CNN: Best of Quest)

  13. facilitate v. 使容易 , 促进 , 帮助 词频:2 [fə'siliteit]

  近义词:promote / boost / further

  权威例句:And, yes, trust that personal data used to facilitate a relevant conversation will not be shared.(FORBES: Are Email Marketing Security Issues Undermining Your Brand?)

  14. validate v. 使生效 , 证实 , 确认 词频:2 ['vælideit]

  近义词:favor / implement / make sure / sustain

  权威例句:The challenge is to actually validate that your guess about the pain is real. (FORBES: The Secret to Entrepreneurial Success: A Monetizable Pain)

  15. alienate v. 使疏远 , 离间 词频:2 ['eiljəneit]

  近义词:release / convey

  权威例句:But modern art is just as likely to alienate ordinary people as to excite them.(ECONOMIST: The Tate Modern)

  16. debilitate v. 使衰弱 词频:2 [di'biliteit]

  近义词:devitalize / enfeeble

  权威例句:Kenyan forces are engaged in a fight in Somalia to debilitate the militants. (CNN: Second blast in 3 days hits Somali neighborhood in Kenya)

  17. rarefy v. 使稀薄 , 使纯净 词频:2 ['rɛərifai]

  近义词:pick / handpick;rarify

  18. inure v. 使习惯 词频:2 [i'njuə]

  近义词:operate / apply / act

  权威例句:"This may serve to inure the public consciousness to the war before it begins, " says Spear.(FORBES: Magazine Article)

  19. elate v. 使兴高采烈 , 使得意 词频:2 [i'leit]

  近义词:proud / beamish

  20. stun v. 使晕倒 , 使目瞪口呆 n. 震惊 词频:2 [stʌn]

  近义词:shock / scandalize;coma / stupor

  权威例句:The Rays came back from a 7-0 deficit to stun the Yankees in the 12th inning.(FORBES: Best Night of Baseball Ever: You Can Bet on It)

  权威例句:They quickly revile the exceptional few who can both dream big and follow through.(FORBES: Thought Leaders)






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